Sorghum (Jowar)

Sorghum is a crop from the Gramineae family that is high in carbohydrates and has the scientific name Sorghum bicolor L. It is one of the staple crops for millions of semi-arid residents, is also known as “The KING OF MILLETS’. Its main ingredient is starch, which is digested more slowly than in other cereals and also has a low protein and fat digestibility. The onset of non-communicable diseases is significantly influenced by oxidative stress and excessive free radical production. The expression of the phase II enzyme is controlled by sorghum derived phenolic chemicals. These operate as the body’s natural defense against oxidative stress by converting highly reactive electrophilic species (RES)into harmless and excretable metabolites. The most extensively cultivated millet is pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum, P. typhoides, Pyridium, and P. americanum). Large stems, leaves, and heads characterize this summer cereal grass.

Shyam Internationals

we are world’s Leading millets exporting company. we provide organically grown various millets across the globe.

+91 7837832540

~ Quality Millets grown in India
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